”Help yourself”
The current pandemic is affecting the entire world at levels perhaps never seen in history. COVID-19 is more than threatening. It calls into question the "true meaning" of our human society.
Pope Francis said this recently:
"Our civilization - so competitive, so individualistic, with its frenetic rhythms of production and consumption, its extravagant luxuries, its disproportionate profits reserved for the few - must slow down, take stock and renew itself."
He also said:
"I hope that this time of danger will free us from autopilot operation, shake our sleepy consciousness and allow for a humanistic and ecological conversion."
Autopilot, sleeping consciousness, conversion…
Do these words sound loud enough within us?
What is an "ecological" conversion, you will ask me? It's not just about pollution. It is a question of finding a balance, based on a "law", a "logic". It is necessary to put the house in order.
“Humanist” conversion? Humanity must be converted in order to rediscover its own humanity, that is to say assuming God's project for humanity. Does the pandemic not reveal the flaws in our social projects?
It looks like this: the confined world does not cure. Containment is only meant to delay the spread of the virus. And not only does containment not cure it, it causes other problems.
Every single day, various scenarios are presented, from the most optimistic to the most pessimistic.
However, there is a scenario that remains possible in all circumstances: the intervention of this Father of all, who is called "God". We can trust Him, for His love is unwavering and powerful. He will not forsake us. And that's why we pray.
This trying time is perhaps the greatest time of grace in our lives and, for all of humanity, one of the most defining. This time is given to us to slow down, take stock and renew ourselves.
Because prayer itself does not work on automatic pilot. I must do my part.
As the old saying goes: "God helps those who help themselves."
On the occasion of the World Day of Social Communications on May 24, 2020, Pope Francis encouraged us to share “constructive life stories”, in order to look to the future with hope.
“May this event [the pandemic] encourage us to tell and share constructive stories that help us understand that we are all part of a bigger story than ourselves and that we can look forward to the future if we truly care about our brothers” (Francis)
"God will help those who help themselves." To answer the call, we invite you to share here your thoughts, comments or simply the hope which fills your heart! What means have you taken to “overstep all normal bounds” in this time of pandemic? What aspects of your life have changed for the better? Share your ideas and initiatives with us; your responses will be compiled and published in the next newsletter.