Impact J has published in the "St-Joseph of Good Hope" Sanctuary newsletter, France
Author : Francine Dupras
July 7th, 2014
On March 19, 2013, solemnity of Joseph, Francis officially became the 265th successor of Peter. On his coat of arms: the flower of the nard, representing Joseph, is next to a golden star, which represents Mary, both symbols accompanying a flaming sun symbolizing the Christ, emblem of the Jesuit society of which Francis is a member.
Nard (flower)
A few months later, Francis accomplishes two actions of great significance: he asks that the name of Joseph be added to all Eucharistic prayers, and he consecrates the Vatican to Joseph and to archangel Michael.
Both actions are related to the government of the Church. The first has an impact on the manner in which the Church celebrates the Eucharistic mystery and thus on the manner in which the Church perceives herself in the mystery of her saints. The second action typifies the reaction of a sovereign state subject to the same pressures and responsibilities as any other government of the world.
As head of state, Francis chose to entrust the care of the Vatican City to Joseph, patron of the Universal Church. This gesture, in itself simple, is determinant. World history is marked out with events that reveal the strength of the impact of Joseph. As a case in point, a sanctuary like the one dedicated to St Joseph of Good Hope, in Espaly, France, keeps the memory of these events alive, as a reminder for our modern times.
Impact J, “J” as in Joseph, was launched in 2014, on the solemnity of the Pentecost, in Canada, a country where Joseph is Patron saint since 1624. Despite persistent attempts of secularization, the recognition of the supremacy of God is still inscribed in the Preamble of our Constitution. However, our country, which appears to enjoy a certain peace and prosperity, faces multiple ideological, moral, sociological, political and economical pressures exerted particularly on its leaders. These leaders, even though they believe in God or share Christian values, are unable to stop the tidal wave of “dechristianization” washing over Western societies, profoundly destabilizing them.
Impact J wishes to foster a community of prayer to St Joseph, in support of world leaders, and firmly believes that a simple and diligent prayer to this intention can have a profound impact on the course of history, as it did in Espaly. Thus, the undertaking of two women was not only at the origin of the most important sanctuary dedicated to St Joseph in France, but is also responsible for the revival of a region of France that was literally in ruins.