A special request to Saint Joseph on behalf of Madagascar

....Champs de riz, Madagascar ..Field of rice, Madagascar....

Field of rice under the rain, Madagascar

A great number of countries are currently in a crisis mode, the world is in need of prayers! Among others, earlier this week, through the testimony of a teacher from Ambatodrazaka, a village considered the hayloft of Madagascar, we received a call urging us to pray St Joseph for this country, in dire need for some relief from an intense drought seriously affecting the local population and its crops. She also asked that we pray so that serenity be restored in the country.

Madagascar, considered as one of the 10 poorest countries of the world, is going through a grave crisis due to a drought affecting the center and the eastern portions of the island, caused by the late arrival of the rainy season, which only exacerbates the problem.

The rainy season, which normally extends from late November through the end of March, brings enough water to build a reserve sufficient for the needs of the population of the island, but this year rain has been scarce. According to RFI, the situation this year is particularly acute and causes several problems related to water supply to rice patties, and other crops heavily dependent on seasonal rain, in addition to the impact on hydro-electric power and other daily needs for water… Prices are trending high on world markets.

Subsequent to a prayer to St Joseph, our correspondent informed us recently of a first rainfall. «Saint Joseph is truly a wonderful father», she wrote.

Thus, presently, "close to a million desperate people have hardly enough, for some nothing, to eat in the Southern portion of the island." Certain members of the international community try to pressure the government of Madagascar so that they are launching a "formal declaration of emergency" for financial assistance.

Madagascar's economy is precariously balanced. Politically, the current government is highly criticized, and the crime rate seems to be on the rise because of political instability. Certain countries have even issued cautions about Madagascar's national security. 

Let us entrust Joseph with the protection of Madagascar, its population and its leaders.

A French colony since 1896, the island of Madagascar became independent in 1960. Since then, it has experienced a socialist regime for a good ten years before finally entering a 4th republican era.

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