A transatlantic bridge between the Mount Royal and Saint Joseph of Good Hope!
A pressing appeal to pray to Saint Joseph for the world!
Interview published in the 70th bulletin of Saint-Joseph de Bon Espoir in Espaly, France.
Saint Joseph Oratory of the Mount Royal
Why so much interest for Saint Joseph?
I was born in Montreal and from a very young age, the enormous church built on Mount Royal, the Saint Joseph Oratory, fascinated me. The thousands of crutches exhibited in the sanctuary and left there as a testimonial of the cures obtained through Saint Joseph, reveal at a glance the abundance of graces that flowed over this city and has left an indelible mark on it’s history. In the silence of the sanctuary, we discover the “Impact J”, the extent of Joseph’s intercession in personal lives and worldwide situations.
I myself have experienced this first-hand: I owe to saint Joseph an extraordinary job that also allows me to invest time and effort in IMPACT J! Every day, when I see the dome of Saint Joseph’s Oratory from my office window, a flow of gratitude towards Saint Joseph overcomes me, and I am certain that he watches over Montreal, Canada and the world.
Saint Joseph is therefore quite important for Montreal?
Saint Joseph is present in Montreal since its establishment. Three hundred years later, Brother Andre puts him in the spotlight. He would always say: “Its Saint Joseph who heals”. It is said that Brother Andre performed up to one miracle per day of his 91-year life. you can do the math! Since then, Saint Joseph has been quite busy. The Oratory has received more than 200,000 letters relating healings and favors obtained through his intercession.
View from the belvedere of the Saint Joseph sanctuary in Espaly, France.
From April 27 to May 1st 2015, IMPACT J will come from Montreal to prepare a Canadian pilgrimage to Saint Joseph of Good Hope in Espaly France. Do you also wish to prepare a story on the sanctuary?
Yes, the sanctuary of Espaly is very important for us because we have chosen Saint Joseph of Good Hope to accompany the prayer of Impact J. His crown and the anchor that he holds in his hand illustrate that he is the perfect person to intervene with the appropriate authorities. As those who have prayed to Joseph since the 19th century at Espaly, we turn to him with trust for this delicate mission of high importance.
IMPACT J started with a leap of faith, just as the story of the sanctuary in Espaly. The answer is beyond our expectations. Through Impact J, more than 170 people from 10 countries (Canada, France, Russia, Haiti, Austria, Ivory Coast, Mexico, Guinea, United States and Switzerland) pray to Saint Joseph every week for the leaders of the world, so that their decisions many be in line with God’s project for all of humanity.
In a few words, what is the IMPACT J project?
The idea is to make Joseph be known and to invite as many people as possible to join us and pray to him for world leaders, at all levels. It is very important because millions of people are affected by their decisions.
Saint Joseph watches over us!
IMPACT J, is the opportunity to act, knowing that prayer is a very powerful lever. Through it, important political changes have taken place, catastrophes are avoided and tensions appeased. To pray is to have an impact in unsuspected ways.
Participating in IMPACT J is very simple; you register on-line and commit to praying to Saint Joseph, at least once a week, with the IMPACT J prayer.
How did IMPACT J start?
The IMPACT J website was launched in Montreal in June 2014. At the beginning, the site counted around thirty people. We quickly became aware of the importance of Saint Joseph’s impact throughout the world; in personal lives, by healings and graces of all kinds, and by his interventions throughout history.
Saint Joseph is quite present on the web and in social media. There are many prayer movements and novenas to Saint Joseph. He who was known to act in silence becomes more and more visible! His unique role in the history of humanity does not only concern the past but we believe it will be revealed and become more effective in the years to come. He is the patron of the third millennium!
Why Saint Joseph in relationship to the leaders?
In the wake of the Church, who has recognized Joseph as patron, we believe that Saint Joseph can intervene so that leaders may carry out their duties for the greater good and in the spirit of God’s reign. To govern is never an easy task. Decision makers get pulled in many directions. It is essential that they may be guided and accompanied spiritually, by the Church.
Saint Joseph is a descendant of king David. He has a central role in important events: the incarnation and the redemption. Saint Joseph is definitely able to guide and support those who influence daily events happening in the world. Saint Joseph is as trustworthy as his homonym, Joseph of the Old Testament, who multiplied and fructified everything Pharaoh gave him. With him, we are in good hands.
May 1st, the best day to savor the special vintage of the Sanctuary!
A concluding remark?
Pilgrims and officials of the Sanctuary, it is with great enthusiasm that I say: see you soon! It will be my pleasure to meet you during our stay in Espaly.
Suzanne Frigault