In 2020 a lot of people via technology and social media created challenges: a plank challenge, a handstand challenge, a pink hair challenge…and so on!
We can overcome many challenges for the health of our body! I decided to do the same for my soul, my heart so that they stay healthy, in tune with the living God who’s within me and always by my side, helping me with whatever challenge I’m facing!
How can I share my Christian faith in a beautiful way, in a fun challenge or a meditative challenge? What would be a challenge on a personal level that could bring me closer to prayer and more conscientious about what God wants from me?
Last year brought its share of uncertainties, shaking our certainties, through what we took for granted. And I questioned myself: what is the meaning of my existence today… tomorrow? What does my prayer life look like at the moment? How do we suffer in our lives, how have we suffered, what does suffering mean?
These past months, I was moved by the pain Jesus went through, the burden he carried until the end and that he fully embraced. When I was meditating on this, I started reflecting on what I could do for Lent that would be a challenge for me and that would connect with my artistic talents. I wanted to capture this particular mystery of the rosary that kept coming back to me, the Agony of Jesus in the Garden, expressing all he did for me so that I could fully live.
And this came to me or should I say burst in me: PRAYING ON MY KNEES!
I saw Jesus agonizing in the garden and praying for humanity, praying on his knees fervently with drops of blood for sweat. When he taught us to pray in the Garden, he prayed on his knees tiredly and I can’t even imagine how many hours and hours he prayed.
I understand that people cannot pray on their knees for many personal reasons. I myself wasn’t able to do so for quite some time because of injuries and I had to overcome many challenges in the past to be able to dance again and still, it hurts. So, praying on my knees is not something completely new but what would be new would be the dedication.
We can achieve a lot of things on our knees; I really do believe that! I get emotional sometimes because I have really loved praying on my knees and have really become more in tune with what God wants from me by praying on my knees.
To me, praying on my knees, is to humble myself and to share with dignity the heart that God has given me. It is a very humbling experience, and it is very personal, but I really wanted to share the experience with you, as a Christian artist, and I truly hope it will give you the motion (and the emotion) to live the experience yourself.
I invite you to join me through this video.
Dancing on our knees… a double challenge!
But you can join with whatever physical condition you have.
The essence is to let your heart and soul be moved by your thirst for God.
Offer to him all your requests.
And me, I’m offering this dance to you!